Now that we're home, follow our adventures as we continue our journey with Piper.

Kevin & Mary

Kevin & Mary

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Breakfast at the White Swan and More

The breakfast was just as we had been told; out of this world! We arrived early as our guide suggested and were seated with a window view of the Pearl River. There were soooo many choices of foods, both Asian and Western. We met a woman seated near us from North Carolina. She was here for her third Chinese adoption. She and her husband have three grown boys and now have adopted their third daughter from China. She told me that the last daughter they had adopted they also named Piper. She was 2 1/2 yrs. old when they got her and she said it was very, very, hard. She told me that she screamed the entire time they were in China as well as hit, bit, spit, etc. She said it took about 9 mo. for her to really settle in with them. I felt somewhat relieved after talking with her to know that our experience has been relatively easy compared to that. She also let me in on a nice word pronounced (sorry I don't know the real spelling) an-jing. She said it means quiet. We have used it sparingly and only when it's been really important for her to be quiet and let me tell you she has responded very well. Today was her birthday and it really was a great day. I can feel her relaxing and really beginning to bond with each of us. Your prayers are truly being answered and I want to thank all of you for your love and care for our family. God is good, that is no doubt. It was a nice surprise to get her "White Swan" barbie today since it was her birthday. For those not in the know, the White Swan barbie is a caucasian barbie with an Asian baby in her arms. She was thrilled. We sang the happy birthday song again. Our day started with a guided tour of the Chen Academy. It was once a private school for only families with the last name of Chen (which is actually the first name in China). It is now a museum displaying art and art history of this area. You'll see one picture of Piper holding the umbrella over little Avery, the Kimberlin's daughter, just outside the academy. You'll notice everyone is getting tired of mom taking pictures! We did a little shopping this afternoon and bought her a birthday dress as well. Lunch was at Lucy's again. Everyone enjoyed some apple pie and ice cream after dinner and Kevin and I enjoyed some coffee. Sydney and I had an interesting experience around dinner time. We decided to do carry out and bring the food back to the hotel. It was a little wet and drizzly today and we thought Piper might be tired and enjoy eating in. Well, we popped in a restaurant across from the hotel that looked very busy. We were surprised to see some of the menu items. We did find some things that sounded good to order and sat down to wait on them to be prepared. As we were seated, we noticed some of the menu items "looking at us". We were waiting right in front of the fresh snakes, eels, frogs, turtles, etc. They were dinner but just didn't know it yet. Sydney turned her back and faced me. She said, "I just can't take it mom, the snakes are just too creepy!". As I was fumbling with the take out sacks and the umbrella, I managed to spill about half the container of our rice right onto the front step of the restaurant on our way out. I thought I was going to die! How embarassing! The ladies at the door were very nice and helped me to "get it back together" so to speak and we were on our way. We had our dinner "around the table" style with everyone sampling a little of everything. We used the chopsticks they sent and even the coffee spoons in the room. It was a good day. Oh, Dad, I included the shot of the snooker parlor for you. We spotted this on our way back to the hotel from our tour this morning. I thought you'd get a kick out of it. I hope you're all doing well. Julie, thanks for the update on Flake. The orphange director told us that Piper loves dogs. Boy, that's a good thing, don't know what we'd have done if she didn't!


Gina said...

So glad for your happy day today! The pictures say so much about the bonding ocurring between Piper and the family. How could she not fall in love with your adorable family! You will continue to be in my prayers! Gina

Grandma Carolyn said...

I talked to your dad a few days ago and he had not been able to veiw your blog so I gave him the highights and told him if he came to Enid to stop by and I'd log on for him. Glad all is still going well. You continue to all be in my prayers. Hugs & Kisses.

Connie J said...

Oh, the corner table at the White Swan, what memories! We are loving the pictures of Piper and her sibs. Thank you for blessing us with your journey!