Now that we're home, follow our adventures as we continue our journey with Piper.

Kevin & Mary

Kevin & Mary

Monday, March 24, 2008

Real Gotcha

Now, I know you're probably just getting up if you're reading this. Technically I should have had something posted long ago, but we were not even remotely prepared for our Gotcha experience. Now, I knew that there was a very good chance that she was going to have a hard time with today. Let's just say I might have underestimated "how" hard of a time she would have. The orphange director literally "pushed" her in the door screaming and she was even trying to run back outside. She screamed for I don't know how long; screamed and cried and shook her head. She had brought a book along from her foster parents with their names and phone numbers in it. All she kept saying to the director is that she wanted to call them and I think she told him she wanted to go home. When he told her we were her mama and papa now she shook her head, cried, screamed, etc. She wouldn't let any of us touch her. Finally, after the director sat and tried to reason with her, she and Harley got to goofing around with the doll we had just bought for her. We picked it up just outside the Wal-Mart in a little shop. It was a soft doll and what happened was that when we tried to give it to her she threw it. Well, Harley picked it up and threw it right back at her! :) Let the games begin. It became this throwing, roughing around match and she actually let us all touch her at least a little bit. You'll see in one shot she's biting the doll's foot and tackling Hayden. Now, it was no easy task to leave and she was not wild about me sitting next to her on the bus. All the way back to the hotel she cried and said she wanted her mama and papa. For those that may not be aware, she was in foster care for four years with the same family. She kept telling the driver and Grace, our guide, that she wanted her mama. Grace and the driver both told her I was her "better" mama (this is how they translated to me) and she told them, "no!". She cried for two hours straight. She was still crying at the hotel room. We all just sat on the floor and she cried, and cried, and cried, and cried. She finally let me console her and hug her, but she kept begging to call her mama and papa. It was very heartbreaking. We tried everything, and I mean EVERYTHING we brought to console her. FINALLY (thank you Diane & Paige) she got interested in the communication book we brought along. Now, she didn't really want to communicate, but she DID want to take all of the cards off and put them on the velcro strips in the back. Then she would take them from there and replace them to their places and then start on another page, etc., etc., etc. I think she did every page in the book. Then on to coloring, poly pockets, leap frog, & beading (she loved that Diane). Then she just kind of skipped from one activity to another. No more crying, at least not for today. Or not now anyway. It's getting close to bathtime, bedtime, etc. and I'm not real sure how it's all going to go but I'll sure let you know tomorrow. Oh, did I mention that by the end of this she had called Kevin "papa" and me "mama" several times quite clearly and specifically? Well, this has been one exhausting day! More posting tomorrow. Oh, by the way, I did not take any pictures of the yucky times, just the good ones. :)


Anonymous said...

Mare and Kevin,

Just got in from Dallas with church from LTC. Checked your blog and WOW!!! We are back home praying and waiting for you guys to get her safely and to all you guys to come home--safely. Tony says to tell Hayden hi. Piper is really a beautiful girl. Thank you for keeping the blog updated for us to read.
Kristin Ebey

Anonymous said...

You are probably sleeping now....hopefully, but tell Piper that Mallary is ready for her to get home so she can play with her!I hope things go better today!

David said...

Our family can't wait for your arrival back home. We are so blessed by you. We hope and pray for a safe return and we'll see you soon!

Anonymous said...


My name is Terria (Robyn's cousin) you know that cazy girl you are with! LOL! I am so happy for you guys! I am glad she is coming around to you. I know it has to be hard for both. I will put you in my prayers. I hope the rest of your trip is great!

Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that sounds like a bittersweet meeting... it must be so wonderful to finally have her with you but I know your heart must be breaking to see her so upset. Congratulations on the new addition to your family!

Jodi said...

I just had to say hi and congratulations. (I am a friend of a friend of Robyn's.) I hope you don't mind me following your journey, we will traveling this fall to bring our 4 year old home. Praying Piper bonds quickly! Sounds like your kids are really helping out! Love how kids can communicate with each other!

Jodi Sue :)

Anonymous said...

I've tried a couple of times to leave a note, but I'm not good at this. So, I'm trying again.

Believe me, Piper can't help but warm up to you guys. We are looking forward to seeing you. You are in our prayers.

Love ya,
Jo Ann and the rest of the Rogers

Starla said...

Sounds very much like our gotcha 6 months ago with our 12 year old daughter. It took 3 full days for the crying to stop.....then slowly she began to come around. Now, 6 months later, she is happy, and pretty well settled. Just might take lots of time. Blessings, Starla

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
We are so excited for you. Looks like you're having lots of fun. Can't wait for you to get home so we can meet Piper. See you soon.