Now that we're home, follow our adventures as we continue our journey with Piper.

Kevin & Mary

Kevin & Mary

Saturday, March 22, 2008

We made it...sorry for the delay in posting

We made it and everything went really well. Kevin made a friend on the plane, we took in a few movies, and we all enjoyed ALL of the food they kept bringing, and bringing, and bringing. Hayden said, "I don't think this plan ride is so bad after all. I could really get used to this!". The man Kevin met is from Durango and said this is his families 5th trip to China for vacation. They love it. The woman who sat behind us is a Chinese woman who lives in Buffalo NY and teaches Chinese at a local high school. We met another man who is an American English teacher living in Beijing and teaching English to corporate folks. However, good times aside, we were all very glad to get OFF of the plane. 15 hrs. is just too much! The ride from the airport to our hotel was wild to say the least. The driving is very scary; the rules of the road just don't seem to apply here and everyone is VERY liberal with the horn. Hayden was so tired, however, that he just slept through the whole thing; I'm including a pic of this 'cause I just couldn't believe he could sleep through all that! :) I'm posting this Saturday evening. A lot has happened since we arrived, but as you may have guessed, I was experiencing some technical difficulty with my computer. Well, actually, it was my adaptor. The one I bought was not a three pronged adaptor and just wouldn't work on my computer. I borrowed one today and plan on buying one tomorrow. Today was tour day and we sure did! We started early and toured Beijing. We took in Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, and the Great Wall of China. I had a real Kodak moment in the Forbidden City. I nearly passed out cold! I had to get down on my knees and take off my sweatshirt and gloves; I really thought I was going to go lights out! I don't know if it was from the time change or what but it was definately very embarassing! I was able to get my bearings after a minute or two and we got on with our touring. Needless to say, everyone was asleep on the bus ride home! Tomorrow, we leave at 5 am for Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province. We will get Piper Monday afternoon. I can't believe it! I am so tired, but so excited that it's hard to sleep well. I do need to get packed up and get to bed, but will try to post more tomorrow now that I know what equipment I need to make this thing work! :)


Gina said...

We are so very excited for you! So glad you made it there safe and sound! We will keep you and Piper in our prayers. Gina C.

Those Brumley Boys said...

I'm so glad that you made it. I was a bit worried with the bad weather here. I think they had to shut down Chicago just after you were there.
We'll keep you in our prayers!
The Brumley Ohana

(From Lilo & Stitch "Ohana means family and family means that no one gets left behind" Makes me think of Piper!)

Grandma Carolyn said...

I'm so thankful you made the trip safely.Hope you don't have anymore Kodak momemts! Sorry it was so crazy when you caled. Give Piper a great big hug from Grandma C. Love you all and you are always in my prayers

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to see you made it safe and sound. We are enjoying reading about your journey as it sounds so familiar. Enjoy every moment.
Becky M.

Connie J said...

Mary~ So glad you're in China now! We're counting down with you.
Blessings from the Johnsons.

Anonymous said...

This makes our LTC drive seem kind of ordinary! We are thinking of you guys often!